A Rebuttal to 10 Solid Reasons Why Every Woman Should Ride Motorcycles

I read an article yesterday that let’s just say made me a little angry and ranty! I had seen it pop up in a few places and while I was having coffee I took the time to read it. I wish someone would have just told me to skip to the end to be honest. The article was 10 Solid Reasons Every Woman Should Ride Motorcycles. First off the article was written by a man and without even reading the disclaimer “And ladies, do note that this list was complied by a man. So spare me the brunt if I faulted anywhere.” or the authors bio it’s very obvious very quickly that no women were consulted while compiling the list. The list is mainly about how other people see us and what we do for them and not what riding our own bikes do for us personally. Had the author consult with even one woman this list would have been drastically different!

A quick google search shows that female riders have increased drastically in the last number of years.

More women are riding motorcycles than ever before, according to a new Owner Survey of 48,000 American households from the Motorcycle Industry Council in Irvine. Fourteen percent of U.S. motorcycle owners are women — more than double the number in 2003 

When I started riding my own bike I wanted to find some other women to ride with so I got on the googler and started poking around. I found numerous groups but finally found one based out of Canada – WindSisters Canada. I have never been happier to find a group in my life. We are quick to encourage each other and build one another up and support each other when one of us have fallen, we are sisters! Since joining the WindSisters I have been on a bunch of rides. Some of us even go out on couples rides with our spouses. See women aren’t any different from men when it comes to riding. We all love our bikes and we just want to ride as often as we can. Especially here in Canada because our season is short. If you would have told me a year a go that I’d be searching YouTube for riding videos or perusing Kijiji everyday for anything related to my bike I would have said you were wrong but yet – here I am!


Back to the article…….

  1. Riding a bike has nothing to do with setting yourself apart from or above our other gal pals! We would rather support each other and encourage someone to try riding because it’s awesome and we want more ladies to ride with 🙂
  2. We don’t wear leather to look sexy for men! We wear it to protect our bodies and maybe feel a bit sexy for ourselves.
  3. We don’t give one shit if men “dig” us because we ride – remember were not doing this for men but for ourselves
  4. The majority of us women don’t need to wait until we get on our bikes to know who the egotistical men are, you already make yourselves pretty evident
  5. I do agree that riding a bike makes me a better driver. However, this goes for both male and female riders/drivers
  6. I don’t think I’ve ever read an article about how cool dad’s are for picking their kids up on a bike. Kids are just happy that they’re getting picking up regardless.
  7. Yes riding will help with core strength and the increased heart rate helps to burn calories but come on the picture used for this point just feeds the stigma. I seen lots of female riders and never seen one dressed like that.
  8. We don’t want to be a symbol to anybody! We’re ok with riding just because we want to, we really are.
  9. This one I’ll agree with. Riding does make me happy and more confident which in turn makes me feel better about myself i.e. sexier
  10. And 10. Finally number 10. Ten is completely on the mark – it is Fucking awesome!


Please stop trying to make riding about everybody else because for some of us it’s taken us a while to get to the point of where our lives are about us and where we are finally doing something for ourselves! 


I thought I’d include some amazing photos that Dan Lim from The Moto Foto took of some of us WindSisters (there are over 1700 of us across Canada) at the recent Port Dover Friday The 13th.


To me this is a truer picture of what women in motorcycling looks like!


Ladies if I’ve missed something please add it into the comments. I’d love to hear why you ride.


Ride often but ride safe my friends.






Women’s Riding Gear

We women want better clothing choices. Clothes that are made for women!


As you all know I started riding my own bike this summer and what I have quickly figured out is what I need clothing wise is very different. What I have also learnt is finding nice riding clothes is very very hard. The majority of what is out there for us is something that guys want to see their woman in while riding on the back of their bike! Now I’m with the rest of you – I too like a little bling every now an then but I want choices – like the men have.  Continued

  • CL's 2017 Vulcan S

My New Baby – Kawasaki 650 Vulcan S

Hello all and thanks again for popping by once again.


So, I’ve had my motorcycle license for almost thee months now (July 6th, remember it was a birthday gift to myself) and have been truly riding for just over 2 months. I started out with Suzuki 250 which was perfect for me and has been so much fun to ride! I have put on roughly 4,000km and the last little while I’ve found I’ve been running wide open. I knew when I bought this bike that I would only have it for this season and likely upgrade in the Spring. What I didn’t count on was loving riding so much that I wanted to ride all the time.

I know for those of you that know me that what is coming is no surprise. Some call me impatient others call me efficient. I love the later of those two. After all if you know what you are going to do why waste your and other people’s time. Just do it and get it over with. FYI – this is my view on many things 🙂


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I bought this home yesterday – 2107 Kawasaki 650 Vulcan S and she’s perfect for me. I don’t have a name for her yet but I’ll figure it out. What I do know is she’s very sexy and fits me to a T – thanks to Kawaski’s Ergo-Fit 

Of course with picking up a new bike I wanted some new gear to go with her. I really wanted a jacket but apparently not a lot of companies have figured it out that there are lots of women riding their own bikes now and we want nice proper gear not just a mans coat sized smaller. You better believe I’ll be writing more on this very soon! I did however come home with a nice new full face helmet – thanks Joe Rocket Canada for some fun designs and a pair of warm high wrist riding gloves.


Now seeing as we are starting to get frost warning and stuff I know there’s not a lot of time left to ride this season so I’m off to enjoy cruising on my new wheels.







There’s a New Rider in the House


This year for my birthday I got myself a gift – my motorcycle licence!

I’ve been riding two up with Andy for a while and finally made the leap to getting my own bike. Although we’ve talked about it for a while now it wasn’t until we went away for Canada Day weekend with another couple that both ride.Chatting with Mary about her bike and seeing how well she handled it I know it was something that I finally wanted to do.

Fast forward a few days to the 6th when I went to write my M1 – and failed! Yes I failed. I downloaded the M1 test questions and practiced until I wasn’t making any mistakes so the morning of the 6th (my birthday) I went to Service Ontario, waited 2.5 hours and did my test. Well I had no idea that I needed to write my G1 as well as my M1 test. I scored perfect on my M1, the signs portion of my G1 and got 4 wrong on the rules part of my G1. Every question I got wrong had to do with the rules surrounding the new G1 rules. Have i mentioned that I’ve been driving for 20 years and then it was called 365 and other than having a licensed driver ride in the passenger seat i don’t rememberer anything else. Needless to say I went back the next day and wrote the rules portion and scored perfectly.

The 6th was a Thursday, I got my licence on the 7th so of course I bought a bike on the 8th and picked it up on the 10th! Andy mentions every now and than that I’m impatient. I like to think that I’m efficient 🙂

I bought a small beginner bike from a very nice woman off of Kijiji.

Suzuki Marauder 250 and I love it. I know I won’t keep it for long and I’m ok with that. This is what I chose and I’m thrilled.

Every night after dinner Andy would drive it over to an empty No Frills parking lot and teach me a few basics. He was really carefully not to teach me to much as he didn’t want to pass any of his bad habits onto me. I had signed up for the M2 Gearing Up Canadian Motorcycle Association course and he was just helping me get ready.

After waiting a couple weeks for my course it was go time. To say I was a little excited come Friday was and understatement. I went to my classroom session on Friday night and it wasn’t until I was walking into the room that the thought “Oh hell what have I done” crept into my head. The class size was about 20 people (4 being being women). Our four instructors kept thing light and fun while helping us understand the responsibility of driving a motorcycle.

Saturday morning seen us pushing – yes pushing, each other around on the small bikes that were provided to us. This was helping us feel comfortable with the bike. It was at this portion of the course that I decided that I didn’t need to go in a road with curves. I was content just going straight 🙂

By the end of the weekend I was having a blast and even turning to the right and left and doing mock road curves. The one thing that shocked me after each day was how tired I was. I’ve always rode on the back and had no idea that driving a motorcycle was so tiring. I’m happy to say that at the end of the weekend I passed the ministry test and was on to my M2. In 18 months I can head back and do my M2 exit course at which time I’ll be a full M driver.

