If you frequent any Canadian motorcycle groups on Facebook chances are you’ve heard of WindSisters. Well, Linda is the mastermind behind this incredible female only riding group. And, if you’ve met Linda in person you are well aware of how truly awesome she is. The first time I met her, in person, was this past fall in Port Dover for the for Friday the 13th rally. We’d had lots of conversations online so I felt I already knew her. What our online conversations didn’t prepare me for was the warmth and friendship that she exudes. Linda was very conscious of making everybody feel included and I don’t think she stopped smiling and saying hello all afternoon! One thing that I’ve noticed over the off-season is that our community is very important to Linda. She has traveled, sometimes hours, to have dinner with, meet up with and even get tattoos with some of us WindSisters. Bringing together female riders is very important to her and we are all very thankful for her passion.
Read on to learn more about this woman who likes to connect us but above all enjoy life.
Where are you from: Canada
Describe yourself in 5 words or less: Alive, Aware, In Control, Excited, Energy
What do you ride: I bought my 2008 FLHX HD Streetglide for my 50th birthday, that was 6 years ago and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my bike.
Does anybody else in your family ride: no (well my ex husband does)
How long have you been riding: around 9 or 10 years
How old were you when you started riding: 47 or 48
Why did you start: My husband (at the time) came home with a bike, a beautiful black Honda Shadow Ace 750 and I thought it was amazing and beautiful. I rode on the back for only a couple of rides before I knew, if this was something we would do together, I would have to get my license and my own bike. So I did!
Next motorcycle: I really love the Streetglide so I would say a newer one (not brand new unless I win a lottery) or a Road Glide.
Never leave home without: I never leave home without my cell phone. When I ride alone, I try to make sure its in my jacket … just in case my bike and I get separated for any reason. Oh and its also my camera and you never know when there will be a photo-op!
Favourite Gear: I love my boots. They are knee-high and Gortex so they don’t mind the rain. I have purple laces in them and everyone knows me by my boots 🙂 The brand is Timerland, they are very comfortable and practical, and they look kinda hot.
Longest/farthest bike trip: My BF and I rode from Ottawa to Tennessee, rode the Tail of the Dragon, Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway, Skyway, The Snake and all the most amazing twisty roads I have ever seen! 10 days and our first day was 1,000 km as we wanted to get to a good place to start day 2 from 🙂
Favourite place you’ve ridden: Last summer my BF and I rode to Nova Scotia to attend the Wharf Rat Rally and meet up with all my riding WindSisters from out in NS. We were interviewed on the WRR video, I spoke in a hall promoting women in riding and WindSisters and I got to meet almost 30 WindSisters and ride with them!
Main gig: My main gig, well I work for the Government in downtown Ottawa. My job is steady without being stressful, a great combination.
Side gig: Well I started this little ladies riding group in May 2011 with 4 other of my girlfriends who rode and its grown each and every year and we’ve just reached 2000 Canadian all female riders called WindSisters. I do have a team of 3 other National Admin now and several area Admins who help promote and keep things running smoothly in WindSisters.
What do you do in the Offseason: I’m a keyboard warrior for WindSisters, a very busy job and I LOVE it!
Twitter: WINDSISTERS CANADA (@WindSistersCan)
Instagram (but I dont use it much): Linda Begin
Anything extra: It’s funny, before my ex brought home a motorcycle, I never ever really saw them on the road, no part of my life. Over a short time, I knew this was for me, it was exhilarating, scary, fun, exciting, dangerous and I can’t even imagine my life without a motorcycle now. Life is funny that way! I found my niche, I want to unite all the female riders under one big umbrella, one sisterhood where two wheels unite us.
I grew up in small town Ontario so of course there were a couple of motorcycles in the drive house. The only problem was that I didn’t ride them I was only a passenger.
It wasn’t until I met me husband, Andy, that I spent any real time on a bike. We had a bike (Yamaha XJ750) before the kids arrived. However, after the kids came along we just didn’t have time to ride anymore so we sold it. There’s nothing worse than a bike sitting around and not being ridden!
Fast forward twenty years and we were once again cruising around on two wheels. Almost five years later and the only thing that’s changed is I now ride my own bike. If only I had understood how awesome it was to ride my own bike I would have done this years ago.
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